Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wedding Dash Game

PlayFirst is coming out with a new franchise next week. This time, the game is Wedding Dash, and it's essentially what you would guess from the name. Instead of Flo serving tables, you play as Quinn, a wedding planning trying to hold the big day together.

Keep the food stocked, the cakes from tipping over, the bridesmaids from getting into petty fights, and the guests all happy. It looks like a surefire hit, and I'll keep you posted when it'll be released. The last I had heard, release was set for July 31st (a Tuesday). Check back then, or leave your email at the link below to get notified when it's released. It's wedding time!

Wedding Dash Info


~~LeBo~~ said...

This game is the best wedding game i have ever played.I strongly believe that everyone should play this game.

mz. ley said...

i love playing this game do you know when it's coming out in the stores to buy?